Cost Estimate
⚠️ Please note: This calculation is a rough estimate and should be interpreted with caution, as it may vary depending on the specific case.
On Purchase Cost | ~¥ |
🏡 Property Cost | ¥ |
🛠️ Renovation Budget | ¥ |
🔍 Standard Inspection Fees | ~¥22,000 |
💰 Acquisition Tax (4%) | ~¥ |
💰 Registration & License Tax (~2%) | ~¥ |
❤️ Akiya Heaven Fees | ~¥ |
⚖️ Judicial Scrivener Fees | ~¥100,000 |
🏢 Broker Fees | ¥ |
Yearly Ongoing Cost | ~¥ |
💰 Property Tax (~1.4%) | ~¥ |
💰 City Planning Tax (~0.3%) | ~¥ |
🛡️ Insurances | ~¥100,000 |
⚡ Utilities | ~¥240,000 |